Sennelier Oil Pastel (Neutrals)
Exceptionally smooth and creamy, these pastels are the ultimate in the combination of blending power and opacity. The 70x10mm diameter pastels will work well on a variety of substrates, from paper and gessoed boards through to metal plates and glass. Whilst the basic range is 110 colours, there are many new colours which include iridescent, pearlescent and metallic tones. They all offer outstanding lightfastness except for the fluorescents. All pastels now feature the new easy €˜tear down€™ perforated wrapper.
During the 1960s in New York, new wave American artists began drawing directly onto stretched silk and coarse screen mesh. The silk was warmed with a hair dryer and the strong colours were then monoprinted onto hot pressed watercolour paper with a polyurethane squeegee. This technique has been recently reviewed and it is currently enormously popular in the USA in monoprint workshops.