Jacquard Soda Ash Dye Fixer
Dye activator for Procion dye. 453GMS
Soda Ash dye fixer is a mild alkali that promotes the chemical reaction between Procion MX fiber reactive dyes and cellulose fiber. It is also known as sodium carbonate, washing soda or sal soda. Soda Ash is necessary to activate and set Procion MX dye.
For tie dye (pre-soak method):
Use 1 cup/0.23 kg per 3.79 L of warm water. Soak fabric in mixture for 20 min.Squeeze/wring out excess solution by hand. Do not rinse out.
For immersion dyeing cellulose fibers:
Use 1/4 to 1/3 cup/57-78 g per 11.36 L of water. Add to dye bath per instructions.
For dyeing cellulose fibers in washing machine:
Use 2-3 cups/0.47-0.71 kg per load. Dissolve in 0.95 Lt hot water. Gradually add to dyebath in washer per instructions.